What makes our active likes and followers campaigns different? Our campaigns are unique and tailored towards our clients current position in their competitive market. Whether you are a musician, photographer, model, small business owner, mid-size business owner or a fortune 500 company, our likes and followers campaigns work.
When you order one of our packages from our site you receive your first message from your campaign manager which will look similar to this:
We have received your order on Month Day, 2015. Your order is set to complete by Month Day, 2015. Here's how it works:
- Our first mission is targeted landing pages: your account manager will create professional profile pages linking to your profile page designed to get relevant readers to reach your content.
- Our second mission during your campaign is to convince high profile users in your niche to shout out your profile page in order to bring targeted traffic to your profile page.
- Our last mission during your 30 day campaign is to create targeted Facebook Ads showcasing your profile designed to broadcast your content in order to bring interested users and likes to your content.
Here are a few things you can do to take advantage of our services during your campaign:
- Post high quality images that are related to your industry
- Share the landing pages we will create and submit to you on all of your social media pages often
- Select relevant hashtags to associate with your image posts (between 4 and 6)
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us by email, phone or via our website with your concern. We will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible.