The new drama series stars Terrence Howard (Iron Man, Hustle & Flow) and Taraji P. Henson (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Person of Interest). Terence Howard was approved for the lead role on February 19, 2014.A week later Taraji Henson was named as the female lead. This won’t be the first collaboration of the two actors – they previously starred together as love interests in the 2005 movie film Hustle & Flow. Other cast members of Empire include Bryshere Gray, Jussie Smollett, Trai Byers, Kaitlin Doubleday and Grace Gealey. Courtney Love and Macy Gray were added to the cast as well, and Naomi Campbell was announced in a recurring role.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Empire Season 2 Starts on September 23, 2015
The new drama series stars Terrence Howard (Iron Man, Hustle & Flow) and Taraji P. Henson (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Person of Interest). Terence Howard was approved for the lead role on February 19, 2014.A week later Taraji Henson was named as the female lead. This won’t be the first collaboration of the two actors – they previously starred together as love interests in the 2005 movie film Hustle & Flow. Other cast members of Empire include Bryshere Gray, Jussie Smollett, Trai Byers, Kaitlin Doubleday and Grace Gealey. Courtney Love and Macy Gray were added to the cast as well, and Naomi Campbell was announced in a recurring role.